Source code for user

User profile, permissions, and login/logout functions and endpoints.

    Decorators used to e.g. assert that a user is logged in.

Helper functions
    Functions to help with user-related tasks, e.g. setting all variables at login.

    User-related API endpoints, including login/logout and user manament.
import functools

import flask

import structure
import utils

blueprint = flask.Blueprint("user", __name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

    "USER_ADD": ("USER_ADD",),

# Decorators
[docs]def login_required(func): """ Confirm that the user is logged in. Otherwise abort with status 401 Unauthorized. """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrap(*args, **kwargs): if not flask.g.current_user: flask.abort(status=401) return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrap
# requests
[docs]@blueprint.route("/permissions") def get_permission_info(): """Get a list of all permission types.""" return utils.response_json({"permissions": list(PERMISSIONS.keys())})
[docs]@blueprint.route("") @login_required def list_users(): """ List all users. Admin access should be required. """ if not utils.req_has_permission("USER_SEARCH"): flask.abort(403) fields = {"api_key": 0, "api_salt": 0} if not utils.req_has_permission("USER_MANAGEMENT"): fields["auth_ids"] = 0 fields["permissions"] = 0 result = tuple(flask.g.db["users"].find(projection=fields)) return utils.response_json({"users": result})
# requests
[docs]@blueprint.route("/me") def get_current_user_info(): """ List basic information about the current user. Returns: flask.Response: json structure for the user """ data = flask.g.current_user outstructure = { "_id": "", "affiliation": "", "auth_ids": [], "email": "", "contact": "", "name": "", "orcid": "", "permissions": [], "url": "", } if data: for field in outstructure: if field in data: outstructure[field] = data[field] outstructure["permissions"] = utils.prepare_permissions(outstructure["permissions"]) return utils.response_json({"user": outstructure})
# requests
[docs]@blueprint.route("/<identifier>/apikey", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def gen_new_api_key(identifier: str = None): """ Generate a new API key for the provided or current user. Args: identifier (str): The uuid of the user. Returns: flask.Response: The new API key """ if identifier != str(flask.g.current_user["_id"]) and not utils.req_has_permission( "USER_MANAGEMENT" ): flask.abort(403) user_data = utils.req_get_entry("users", identifier) if not user_data: flask.abort(status=404) apikey = utils.gen_api_key() new_hash = utils.gen_api_key_hash(apikey.key, apikey.salt) new_values = {"api_key": new_hash, "api_salt": apikey.salt} user_data.update(new_values) result = flask.g.db["users"].update_one({"_id": user_data["_id"]}, {"$set": new_values}) if not result.acknowledged: flask.current_app.logger.error("Updating API key for user %s failed", user_data["_id"]) flask.Response(status=500) else: utils.make_log("user", "edit", "New API key", user_data) return utils.response_json({"key": apikey.key})
[docs]@blueprint.route("/<identifier>", methods=["GET"]) @login_required def get_user_data(identifier: str): """ Get information about a user. Args: identifier (str): The uuid of the user. Returns: flask.Response: Information about the user as json. """ if not utils.req_has_permission("USER_MANAGEMENT"): flask.abort(403) try: user_uuid = utils.str_to_uuid(identifier) except ValueError: flask.abort(status=404) if not ( user_info := flask.g.db["users"].find_one({"_id": user_uuid}) ): # pylint: disable=superfluous-parens flask.abort(status=404) # The hash and salt should never leave the system del user_info["api_key"] del user_info["api_salt"] user_info["permissions"] = utils.prepare_permissions(user_info["permissions"]) return utils.response_json({"user": user_info})
[docs]@blueprint.route("", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def add_user(): """ Add a user. Returns: flask.Response: Information about the user as json. """ if not utils.req_has_permission("USER_ADD"): flask.abort(403) new_user = structure.user() jsondata = flask.request.json if not jsondata.get("user") or not isinstance(jsondata["user"], dict): flask.abort(status=400) indata = jsondata["user"] validation = utils.basic_check_indata( indata, new_user, ("_id", "api_key", "api_salt", "auth_ids") ) if not validation.result: flask.abort(status=validation.status) indata = utils.prepare_for_db(indata) if not indata: flask.abort(status=400) if "email" not in indata: flask.current_app.logger.debug("Email must be set") flask.abort(status=400) old_user = flask.g.db["users"].find_one({"email": indata["email"]}) if old_user: flask.current_app.logger.debug("User already exists") flask.abort(status=400) if not utils.req_has_permission("USER_MANAGEMENT") and "permissions" in indata: flask.current_app.logger.debug("USER_MANAGEMENT required for permissions") flask.abort(403) new_user.update(indata) new_user["auth_ids"] = [new_user["email"]] result = utils.req_commit_to_db("users", "add", new_user) if not result.log or not flask.abort(status=500) return utils.response_json({"_id": result.ins_id})
[docs]@blueprint.route("/<identifier>", methods=["DELETE"]) @login_required def delete_user(identifier: str): """ Delete a user. Args: identifier (str): The uuid of the user to modify. Returns: flask.Response: Response code. """ perm_status = utils.req_check_permissions(["USER_MANAGEMENT"]) if perm_status != 200: flask.abort(status=perm_status) user_info = utils.req_get_entry("users", identifier) if not user_info: flask.abort(status=404) result = utils.req_commit_to_db("users", "delete", {"_id": user_info["_id"]}) if not result.log or not flask.abort(status=500) return flask.Response(status=200)
[docs]@blueprint.route("/me", methods=["PATCH"]) @login_required def update_current_user_info(): """ Update the information about the current user. Returns: flask.Response: Response code. """ user_data = flask.g.current_user jsondata = flask.request.json if not jsondata.get("user") or not isinstance(jsondata["user"], dict): flask.abort(status=400) indata = jsondata["user"] validation = utils.basic_check_indata( indata, user_data, ("_id", "api_key", "api_salt", "auth_ids", "email", "permissions"), ) if not validation.result: flask.abort(status=validation.status) is_different = False for field in indata: if indata[field] != user_data[field]: is_different = True break user_data.update(indata) if is_different: result = utils.req_commit_to_db("users", "edit", user_data) if not result.log or not flask.abort(status=500) return flask.Response(status=200)
[docs]@blueprint.route("/<identifier>", methods=["PATCH"]) @login_required def update_user_info(identifier: str): """ Update the information about a user. Requires USER_MANAGEMENT. Args: identifier (str): The uuid of the user to modify. Returns: flask.Response: Response code. """ perm_status = utils.req_check_permissions(["USER_MANAGEMENT"]) if perm_status != 200: flask.abort(status=perm_status) user_data = utils.req_get_entry("users", identifier) if not user_data: flask.abort(status=404) jsondata = flask.request.json if not jsondata.get("user") or not isinstance(jsondata["user"], dict): flask.abort(status=400) indata = jsondata["user"] validation = utils.basic_check_indata( indata, user_data, ("_id", "api_key", "api_salt", "auth_ids") ) if not validation.result: flask.abort(status=validation.status) if "email" in indata: old_user = flask.g.db["users"].find_one({"email": indata["email"]}) if old_user and old_user.get("_id") != user_data["_id"]: flask.current_app.logger.debug("User already exists") flask.abort(status=409) # Avoid "updating" and making log if there are no changes is_different = False for field in indata: if indata[field] != user_data[field]: is_different = True break user_data.update(indata) if is_different: result = utils.req_commit_to_db("users", "edit", user_data) if not result.log or not flask.abort(status=500) return flask.Response(status=200)
[docs]@blueprint.route("/<identifier>/log", methods=["GET"]) @login_required def get_user_log(identifier: str): """ Get change logs for the user entry with uuid ``identifier``. Can be accessed by actual user and admin (USER_MANAGEMENT). Args: identifier (str): The uuid of the user. Returns: flask.Response: Information about the user as json. """ if str(flask.g.current_user["_id"]) != identifier and not utils.req_has_permission( "USER_MANAGEMENT" ): flask.abort(403) try: user_uuid = utils.str_to_uuid(identifier) except ValueError: flask.abort(status=404) user_logs = list(flask.g.db["logs"].find({"data_type": "user", "data._id": user_uuid})) for log in user_logs: del log["data_type"] utils.incremental_logs(user_logs) return utils.response_json({"entry_id": user_uuid, "data_type": "user", "logs": user_logs})
[docs]@blueprint.route("/<identifier>/actions", methods=["GET"]) @login_required def get_user_actions(identifier: str): """ Get a list of actions (changes) by the user entry with uuid ``identifier``. Can be accessed by actual user and admin (USER_MANAGEMENT). Args: identifier (str): The uuid of the user. Returns: flask.Response: Information about the user as json. """ if identifier == "me": identifier = str(flask.g.current_user["_id"]) if str(flask.g.current_user["_id"]) != identifier and not utils.req_has_permission( "USER_MANAGEMENT" ): flask.abort(403) try: user_uuid = utils.str_to_uuid(identifier) except ValueError: flask.abort(status=404) # only report a list of actions, not the actual data user_logs = list(flask.g.db["logs"].find({"user": user_uuid}, {"user": 0})) for entry in user_logs: entry["entry_id"] = entry["data"]["_id"] del entry["data"] return utils.response_json({"logs": user_logs})
# helper functions
[docs]def add_new_user(user_info: dict): """ Add a new user to the database from first oidc login. First check if user with the same email exists. If so, add the auth_id to the user. Args: user_info (dict): Information about the user """ db_user = flask.g.db["users"].find_one({"email": user_info["email"]}) if db_user: db_user["auth_ids"].append(user_info["auth_id"]) result = flask.g.db["users"].update_one( {"email": user_info["email"]}, {"$set": {"auth_ids": db_user["auth_ids"]}} ) if not result.acknowledged: flask.current_app.logger.error( "Failed to add new auth_id to user with email %s", user_info["email"] ) flask.Response(status=500) else: utils.make_log("user", "edit", "Add OIDC entry to auth_ids", db_user, no_user=True) else: new_user = structure.user() new_user["email"] = user_info["email"] new_user["name"] = user_info["name"] new_user["auth_ids"] = [user_info["auth_id"]] result = flask.g.db["users"].insert_one(new_user) if not result.acknowledged: flask.current_app.logger.error( "Failed to add user with email %s via oidc", user_info["email"] ) flask.Response(status=500) else: utils.make_log("user", "add", "Creating new user from OAuth", new_user, no_user=True)
[docs]def do_login(auth_id: str): """ Set all relevant variables for a logged in user. Args: auth_id (str): Authentication id for the user. Returns bool: Whether the login succeeded. """ user = flask.g.db["users"].find_one({"auth_ids": auth_id}) if not user: return False flask.session["user_id"] = user["_id"] flask.session.permanent = True # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot return True
[docs]def get_current_user(): """ Get the current user. Returns: dict: The current user. """ return get_user(user_uuid=flask.session.get("user_id"))
[docs]def get_user(user_uuid=None): """ Get information about the user. Args: user_uuid (str): The identifier (uuid) of the user. Returns: dict: The current user. """ if user_uuid: user = flask.g.db["users"].find_one({"_id": user_uuid}) if user: return user return None