dds project

Group command for creating and managing projects within the DDS.

dds project [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Manage specific users access to a project.

dds project access [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Re-grant project access to user that has lost access due to password reset.

When a password is reset, all project access is lost. To use the DDS in a meaningful way again, the access to the active projects need to be updated.

Limited to Unit Admins, Unit Personnel and Researchers set as Project Owners for the project in question.

dds project access fix [OPTIONS] [EMAIL]


-p, --project <project>

Project ID.



Required argument


Grant a user access to a project.

Users can only grant project access to project they themselves have access to, and only to users with the role ‘Researcher’. To set the Researcher as a Project Owner in this specific project, use the –owner flag.

Limited to Unit Admins, Unit Personnel and Researchers set as Project Owners for the project in question.

dds project access grant [OPTIONS]


-p, --project <project>

Required Project ID.

-e, --email <email>

Required Email of the user you would like to grant access to the project.


Grant access as project owner. If not specified, the user gets Researcher permissions within the project.


Do not send e-mail notifications regarding project updates.


Revoke a users access to a project.

Users can only revoke project access for users with the role ‘Researcher’. To set the Researcher as a Project Owner in this specific project, use the –owner flag.

Limited to Unit Admins, Unit Personnel and Researchers set as Project Owners for the project in question.

dds project access revoke [OPTIONS]


-p, --project <project>

Required Project ID.

-e, --email <email>

Required Email of the user for whom project access is to be revoked.


Create a project within the DDS.

[Unit Admins and Unit Personnel only]

To give new or existing users access to the new project, specify their emails with –researcher or –owner. Both of these will give the user the role Researcher, but –owner will mark the user as a Project Owner for this specific project, which will give that person some additional administrative rights within the project such as adding users etc.

dds project create [OPTIONS]


-t, --title <title>

Required The title of the project.

-d, --description <description>

Required A description of the project.

-pi, --principal-investigator <principal_investigator>

Required Email of the Principal Investigator. Note: The PI will not be added as a user in the DDS. Add the same email as the –owner if the PI should have an account.

--researcher <researcher>

Email of a user to be added to the project as Researcher. Use the option multiple times to specify more than one researcher [multiple]

--owner <owner>

Email of user to be added to the project as Project Owner. Use the option multiple times to specify more than one project owner [multiple]


Indicate whether the project contains only non-sensitive data. NB! Currently all data is encrypted independent of whether the projects is marked as sensitive or not.


Manage project information.

Display or change the information of a project.

Displaying the project information is available for all user roles. Changing the project information is limited to Unit Admins and Personnel.

dds project info [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Change project information.

Not available for Researchers, unless they are marked as Project Owner for a specific project.

Use the –title option to change the Title of a project.
Use the –description option to change the Description of a project.
Use the –principal-investigator option to change the PI of a project.
dds project info change [OPTIONS]


-p, --project <project>

Required The ID of the project.

-t, --title <title>

Change the title of the project.

-d, --description <description>

Change the description of the project.

-pi, --principal-investigator <principal_investigator>

Change the PI of the project.


Display information about a specific project.

Usable by all user roles.

The following information should be displayed:
- Project ID
- Creator
- Status
- Date updated
- Size
- Title
- Description
dds project info display [OPTIONS]


-p, --project <project>

Required The ID of the project.


List all active projects you have access to in the DDS.

Calls the dds ls function.

dds project ls [OPTIONS]


--sort <sort>

Which column to sort the project list by.


id | title | pi | status | updated | size | usage | cost


Show the usage for available projects, in GBHours and cost.




Output project list as json.




List all projects connected to your account (including inactive).


Manage project statuses.

Display or change the status of a project.

Displaying the project status is available for all user roles. Changing the project status is limited to Unit Admins and Personnel.

dds project status [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Change the project status to ‘Archived’.

Certain meta data is kept and it will still be listed in your projects. All data within the project is deleted. You cannot revert this change.

Use the –abort flag to indicate that something has gone wrong in the project.

dds project status archive [OPTIONS]


-p, --project <project>

Required Project ID.


Something has gone wrong in the project.


[Super Admins only] Returns the number of busy projects.

Use –show to see a list of all busy projects.

dds project status busy [OPTIONS]



Show busy projects




Delete an unreleased project (change project status to ‘Deleted’).

Certain meta data is kept (nothing sensitive) and it will still be listed in your projects. All data within the project is deleted. You cannot revert this change.

dds project status delete [OPTIONS]


-p, --project <project>

Required Project ID.


Display the status of a specific project.

Use –show-history to see all previous statuses of the project.

Usable by all user roles.

dds project status display [OPTIONS]


-p, --project <project>

Required Project ID.


Show history of project statuses in addition to current status.


Extend a project deadline by an specified number of days.

It consumes one of allowed times to renew data access.

dds project status extend [OPTIONS]


-p, --project <project>

Required Project ID.

--new-deadline <new_deadline>

Number of days to extend the deadline.


Change project status to ‘Available’.

Make project data available for user download. Data cannot be deleted and additional data cannot be uploaded. The count-down for when the data access expires starts.

The –deadline option can be used when changing the project status from ‘In Progress’ to ‘Available’ for the first time. In all other cases the deadline option will be ignored.

Only usable by: Unit Admins / Personnel.

dds project status release [OPTIONS]


-p, --project <project>

Required Project ID.

--deadline <deadline>

Deadline in days when releasing a project.


Do not send e-mail notifications regarding project updates.


Change the project status to ‘In Progress’.

‘In Progress’ is the default status when a project is created. Retracting the project changes the status from ‘Available’ to ‘In Progress’ again.

Make project data unavailable to Researchers, and allow Unit Admins / Personnel to upload additional data to the project. Data cannot be deleted. Data cannot be overwritten.

dds project status retract [OPTIONS]


-p, --project <project>

Required Project ID.